

TNO-ESI's strategic shared research program addresses innovation, validation, and application of latest technologies for design and engineering of complex high-tech systems. By acting as research partner, bridge and integrator, we bring together multi-disciplinary teams of academic and industrial experts to drive future high-tech solutions.

Strategic research agenda

The TNO-ESI strategic research agenda is designed to address the growing challenges that face our partners and participants by increasing the quality and predictability of high-tech embedded system design and engineering.

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TNO-ESI's research is aligned with topics which play an important role in today’s society, including diagnostics, digital twinning and dealing with legacy software.

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Research program lines

TNO-ESI executes a strong shared research program. Industrial and academic partners work together in projects based on the ‘industry-as-a-lab’ approach. Topics are derived from strategic industrial problems with the aim of providing the scientific research needed to develop practical industrial solutions.

The research is structured according to the following program lines:

In this 'research on hot topics' section you will find overviews of TNO research within important societal concerns bundled together. Thus we offer within each topic a sampling of the knowledge and expertise of TNO for the benefit of Dutch society and beyond.

Research output

The outcome of our research activities is a set of multi-disciplinary methods and supporting tools for high-tech embedded systems design and development. These methods and tools have a sound academic basis and proven industrial value.

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If you are interested to learn about state-of-the art approaches, methods, and tools, ESI offers multiple learning concepts such as webinars, micro-learnings, workshops, courses, and customized inhouse programs, follow this link.

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